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1813 статьи Rambler's Top100

Рулетка кс го based on materials http://www.luck-ks-go.com.

Rambler's Top100


Номер: | About magazine | 1/06 | 6/05 | 5/05 | 4/05 | 3/05 | 2/05 | 1/05 | 5/04 | 4/04 | 3/04 | 2/04 | 1/04 | 4/03 | 3/03 | 2/03 | 1/03 | 4/02 | 3/02 | 2/02 | 1/02 | 4/01 | 3/01 | 2/01 | 1/01 | 4/00 | 3/00 | 2/00 | 1/00 | 4/99 |
YES! 1/00

YES! 1/00


Advertising Ideas
Main articles abstracts


Dmitry Krasovsky
"Beer's advertising in 1999: "Drink the body"

The market of beer is a good example of the main advertising changes in Russia. The market grows rapidly and one of the latest reasons for this is turning from strong alcoholic drinks (vodka) to lighter ones which encourage communication (beer). Competition between firms brings new elements to advertising. The image of man's body, the emphasis of instinctive, unconscious sides of person's nature and emotions are widely used in advertising 1999. In the commentary to the article you will find an advertising survey of the leading beer brands in Russia: Baltika, Holsten, Zolotaya Bochka, Efes Pilsner, Stary Melnik, Bochkarev.

Ludmila Bogomolova
"Beauty for moderate price. Marketing strategies on the cosmetics market"

The author analyses the state of advertising and marketing campaign of Russian cosmetic manufacture and offers some rules to promote cosmetic goods into the market. Three main ways of cosmetic positioning are discussed: "natural", "practical" and "directed towards fast effects".


Elena Markushina
"10 "dont's" of successful business"

Taking examples from real life the author gives 10 rules of successful business: don't use someone's experience without thinking, don't ignore personal motivation of your colleagues, don't disregard the improvement of upgrade technique, don't organize your firm completely according to books, don't overestimate your abilities, don't put aside schedule planning and so on. The author also describes how to reorganize a job placement firm and make a recruits' company.

Sergey Kirukov
"Culture Transfer Management: Three sources and three constituent parts"

The article is a kind of parody (see "Three sources and three constituent parts" of Marxism) which tells about a new conception of promotion products into the market. The idea of CT-management is rather simple: one system transfers its cultural values onto another one and tries to control this process. Another system accepts these values (if it is able to or if it wants to). People, money, goods, technologies, ideas are transferred in the market conditions. While CT-management takes the role of a system regulator which helps to accept new ideas, new goods, new services, new symbols and so on.

Marina Bakanova, Michael Grinfield
"The peculiarities of strategic PR"

The first part of the article tells about PR-strategy of the City Hall in Helsinki. The authors give a list of PR subjects and the ways to attract money to the city. The second part is devoted to thoughts and offers about PR-strategy of St.-Petersburg.

Vladimir Ilyin
"Target group – a new middle class"

Consumer behavior of a new Russian middle class is examined in the article. It consists of brainy men, mostly employees and workoholics. They fall under advertising influence, their process of consuming goods is meaningful, they make and keep cultural and money barriers between their class and other ones, they prefer not to think while resting and invest money into their children's education. This new class is important part of the Russian market.The study of their life style and behavior can be very useful to the marketing strategy and advertising campaign.

Igor Kachalov
"Seven reasons for reduction of advertising effectiveness or How to advertise in today's conditions"

The author says that general reduction of advertising effectiveness is a big problem nowadays. The reasons are: information outburst, great influence of traditional media, growth of consumer experience, new non-commercial sources of information, increase of advertising prices and reduction of profit margin, quick reduction of advertising effect after campaign. Is it possible to resist these tendencies? How to raise the effective use of marketing budget? There are some ways out: to work with packing as the main tool of communication, to make design for points of selling, to train staff, to send things directly into consumer homes. And the latest tendency is in transition from commission form of payment to the one for the results of communication.


Evgenya Gromova, Maria Gerasimova
"Packing as a symbol of your lifestyle"

The problem of the article is: how to make packing? The authors' example is based on different attitudes of St. Petersburg and Moscow citizens towards the cigarette packs' colors. For example, the red and gold colors are really prestigious in Moscow but they are considered to be vulgar in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg citizens prefer gold in combination with black or dark-blue because they are more moderate and think it is good taste.

Valeriy Fatkullin
"Brief for working out of packing and its design"

Original and good packing is needed for successful promotion. This packing should be made according to following stages: color, shape, size, graphics and material. The article examines a concrete task for working out a packing of one of the consumer goods. It is bottled water for drinking.


Ilya Gamov
"Justified experiments"

The company "Aleko" (a chain of shops selling home electronics) in 1999 made a series of advertising experiments based on marketing calculations. At first they made a parody of the World's Hockey Championship which had 250 billboards in Saint-Petersburg (slogan "Under Governor's control"). All of them works for "Aleko", which had 30 billboards (slogan "Under Husband's control"). The public interest was attracted and level of brand awareness became two times higher. Then the readers will find information about the discount card "Club of Aleko friends" and about advertising cooperation with other brands. Experiences show that it is effective to choose partners with low level of mutual complement. This causes a question: "Why is Aleko mentioned?" and it makes the consumers absorb the information with greater attention and to transfer their positive associations from a more famous brand to a less famous one.


The creative directors about festivals

The creative directors of the large Russian advertising agencies share their views on good advertising (on the whole they agree with each other), on the advertising which gets awards (some of them think that this advertising is not always effective) and on judicial principles.

Andrey Nadein
"Moscow Advertising Festival: the triumph of series'

The editor of the magazine "Advertising ideas – Yes!" talks about most interesting works of the festival in 1999 and shares his thoughts on the topic of judging. The review of the works that won gives an opportunity to say that the main tendency of modern advertising is series. It proves the living ability of advertising idea. As for judging, the point is clear: those who compete for prizes should not be in the jury. For more detailed information see the sites www.advertology.ru and www.festival.ru.

Margarita Vasiliyeva
"Epica 99: where is European advertising going?

The Epica Awards are judged by the European advertising trade press: 30 magazines from 23 countries were
present in the jury 1999. The author, member of the Epica jury, tells the readers about the procedure of judging, mentions some arguments of the jury which analyzed more than 6000 works. The author thinks there are six main types of modern advertising: touching advertising, pathetic, funny, with jokes about nationalities, advertising metaphor, adventure for viewers, social advertising. The author thinks that "advertising for a grand-prize can be shot from hands and in natural light. The main thing is to have a bit of philosophy and solemn style. It won't be bad to have some talent which can help to awake feelings in the hard souls of the viewers." After the article two of the most experienced and competent members of the jury comment the changes in European advertising of the recent years.

Olga Guseva
"American advertising. Looking through magazines"

The article contains a brief review of advertising printed in American magazines. The author gives examples of graceful, spectaculars, beautiful and emotional advertising decisions made in a so called "American style".

Artemiy Lebedev: "There is no real Artemiy Lebedev"

An interview with a very popular person in Russian Internet. He says that "Artemiy Lebedev" is a brand name of a whole group of people and tells us about the work of web-studio. You can get acquainted with their works, self advertising and commercial sites.


Margarita Vasilieva
"Those don't make mistakes who..."

Sometimes the advertising text authors forget about linguistic traps which are waiting for them in the valleys of phonetics, in the wood lexis and on the paths of syntax. The author, a professional copywriter offers to make mistakes correction in the advertising texts. There are many funny and instructive examples.

Andrey Nadein, Elena Petrova
"New principles of visual advertising editing"

The authors describe two new principles of visual and sense editing elements in advertising which have become very popular lately. The first one: to show a piece of real life shot by a lucky photographer. New sense comes out of familiar things. Second: to destroy the limits of billboards including the surroundings into advertising. These principles are connected with changes in people's mentality.

Andrey Ulianovskiy
"The mysteries of moving triangles"

The author of the book "The Myth-design in advertising" gives non-standard usages of the prism-vision appliance.


Vadim Uskov
"Mimicry and mimicreators"

The word "mimicry" means a widely spread phenomenon of falsification of well-known brands. The article gives a classification of the phenomenon and tells what laws can provide protection from falsification.

Vera Mordvinova, Valeriy Mordvinov
"Domain name and brand name are one thing"

Even now web-sites can exercise not only advertising function but bring real profit. The authors tell the ways to secure domain names and give examples from the judicial practice of the Russian Federation.

Рекламные Идеи
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Рулетка кс го based on materials http://www.luck-ks-go.com.